Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Read this article and answer the following questions:

1. What is the main contributing factor that is causing the sea level to increase? How does it do this?

2. Is there any way to prevent the sea level increase from occurring?


  1. 1. The main contributing factor rising sea levels is due to increasing temperatures throughout the globe. Whether it is because of global trends or because our pollutants, temperatures are rising either way and certain coastal communities are threatened. This process is able to occur because the increase in temperature is causing ice caps to melt.

    2. There are two ways to prevent or at least slow-down rising sea levels. First off, we could cut pollution levels. This can be done by converting to renewable energies such as solar, wind, hydro, bio, or nuclear which don't burn fossil fuels and deposit CO2 into the atmosphere. We could also prepare for it by defense and retreat where we build barrier and/or move our communities away from the shoreline.

  2. The sea levels are rising because the ice is melting from the ice caps. the ice is melting because there is a water temperature on earth, and this warmer temperature is caused by things like pollution. The primary reason of melting ice caps is that there are more people than ever before, using more energy than every before. these factors allow ice to melt.

    Preventing the sea level from rising anymore whould be difficult, but it is possible, the most important thing to do to start this process is to control the population of humans on the planet. also, cutting the amount of pollution would greatly increase the chances of maintaining the current water level. To do this, alternative energy sources need to be found, or just used more.

  3. 1. The main factor that is causing sea levels to rise is the rising temperatures, which is causing the ice caps to melt and the stored water to return back to the ocean.
    2. We can either reduce pollution dramatically, or create defenses and be prepared for these rises. Most likely, both will need to happen.

  4. 1- The main contributing factor that is causing the sea level to increase is the rise in temperatures, throughout the world. These increasing temperatures cause ice caps to melt, increasing the sea level. They happen mostly through pollution and communities' activities.

    2- There are different ways to prevent the sea level increase from occurring, and they start with cutting pollution levels. Reducing the amounts of pollution all over the world would make a big difference, perhaps reducing the increase in sea level.

  5. 1. The main contributing factor that is causing the sea level to increase is an increase in temperatures. As we pollute CO2 into the atmosphere, sunlight and heat become trapped in a "greenhouse", heating the earth and slowly melting the ice caps.

    2. To prevent the actual sea level from increasing, we need to stop polluting CO2 into the atmosphere so that the earth can stay at a steady temperature. If we cannot help reduce CO2 emissions, then the only other option for humans is to build levees and walls to stop ocean waters from flooding the land.

  6. 1. What is the main contributing factor that is causing the sea level to increase? How does it do this?
    The main factor contributing to the change in sea level is temperature. The earth goes through phases of cold and warm. During colder cycles on earth more water turns into ice, which in turn results in lower sea levels. During warmer cycles, more of the ice melts which results in higher ocean levels.

    2. Is there any way to prevent the sea level increase from occurring?
    Studies cited in the article indicate that a five foot sea level increase is inevitable, with up to a twelve foot sea level increase possible. They said that If we change our patterns of polluting the atmosphere and introducing man-made warming, we can reduce the amount that the sea level increases. This is only way that humans can contribute to limiting the degree of sea level increase.
    In response to rising sea levels, the authors did suggest a strategy of defense and retreat for coastal areas. Defend the coastal areas where possible, and pull back where defense is not an option.

  7. 1.The rise in temperature has caused ice caps to melt therefore sea levels have rise. Green house gases such as CO2 have caused sunlight to be trapped and raise the temp.

    2. In order to help with the rising temperature, something that would help would be the reduction of CO2 emissions.Lowing the amount of pollution that humans but into the air such as: Car emissions, factory, cooking, etc. All will help with lowering the green house gas and will assist with maintaining the level that the sea is at now, because the heat will be able to escape. Over all lowing temperatures

  8. 1. The main contributing factor that is causing the sea level to increase is the increasing temperature caused by burning fuels that pollute the air with heat-trapping gases. Earth’s orbit was different during the last warm period, bringing more sunshine to the Arctic. But today we are on a path to a planet that will be much hotter than it was in the period Dr. Dutton studied.

    2. The studies in the article show that sea level increase is inevitable and it even makes a point that "We have lost our chance for complete prevention". To a point, society has improved technology that we are actually very reliant on it and so it will take a while for us to to truly understand when it is the time to reduce air pollution and rely more on a renewable source of energy than fossil fuels.
    On the other hand, even though we can't really stop sea levels rising, there are a few basic ways to protect ourselves from it: reduce sea levels by cutting pollution, or prepare for it by defense and retreat.

  9. 1. As global temperature increases, the polar ice caps being to melt, releasing more and more water into the ocean and causing the water levels to slowly rise.

    2. We must use at least one of two strategies t combat the adverse effects of the sea level rise. We must either use mitigation or adaptation. We need t cut emissions and prevent the ice caps from melting in the first place. Mitigating the cause of the problem would certainly alleviate the negative effects. If we cannot or do not mitigate, we must adapt, creating safety measures to directly deal with the negative effects of the sea level rise instead of the cause.
