Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Read this article on loss of biodiversity in forest and the impacts on the earth and our civilization(the title should say "Loss Of Forest Equates To A Loss Of Many Species"), and answer these two questions.

1. What are 2 impacts on us and our civilization that could be a result of decreasing biodiversity and why are these impacts significant?

2. What trends can be seen from the deforestation graph and what possibly could be a reason these trends have happened.


  1. 1. The loss of rain forests around the world, provide societies with medicinal, sustenance sources, or evolutionary and scientific information and if those rain forests are lost, biodiversity will decrease and there would be a narrower ability to capitalize off of the resources provided by forests that help us in those fields. What this could result in is a major decline in technological advancement, which in general isn't a good thing.

    2. From the graph, we can see that deforestation increased until the year 1996 when it dropped significantly, but started to increase again later. The predicted deforestation levels also decrease from the second peak because it is believed that with enough support, deforestation will be brought down to a minimal level that wouldn't harm wildlife. We see these trends because in the year 1996, there was a significant emphasis put on deforestation and for that reason it decreased. Similar to that, it is currently decreasing because more emphasis is being put on lowering deforestation.

  2. 1. Two impacts that deforestation causes is that the potential knowledge in studying new species would be lost, and that we would also lose our chance to acquire more information on medicine, sustenance sources, or evolutionary and scientific information and so on. Another impact is the decreasing amount of trees becoming available which puts pressure on the forest to replenish what they had lost and as we are continuing to use these resources and not really recognizing the consequences, at a point cost will increase until there's nothing to gain when logging. These impacts are significant because, just like the article says, "New species of animals and plants are still being discovered" and this allows us to improve technology by understanding what these new discoveries have to offer. If we continue to cut down trees and destroy habitats, in the end, we're aren't benefiting from this.

    2. From the graph, we can see that deforestation has was mostly between 10,000 to 20,000 and after 2005, we begin to see a significant difference as deforestation loss decreases. Further along the graph are the predicted forest loss and they continue to decrease until it's below 5,000. Possible reasons these trends have happened is that until 1995, the demand for wood increased and between 2000 and 2005, technology improved so deforestation was easier and faster to do. Around 2005, possible reasons why forest loss decreased could be that there is the growing awareness over time (such as recycling wood, for example, particle boards in the construction industry instead) and the amount of trees available essentially decrease leaving a very small amount to cut down.

  3. Deforestaion, will not only lead to less biodiversity, but it will also begin to lower the amount of oxygen available for certain species to breathe, deforestation will also kill off many differnet species, and the food web will become much smaller, forcing humans to find new types of food. Another impact is that without things like rainforest, there is much less species and herbs available that are often used for medicine.

    The graph shows a decline in deforestaion in the past decade or so, this trend is most likely due to more awareness about the environmnet by leaders. the recognization that forests are dissapearing has resulted in the decline in foresting.

  4. 1. Two things that we lose due to deforestation are the biodiversity, and the chance to discover new species and maybe learn more the world we live in.

    2. Deforestation is still increasing, but at a slower rate than it used to. This is due to our knowledge of the problem, and possibly our efforts to stop deforestation.

  5. 1. With the destruction of rain forests, the animals which reside in those rain forests will have a less chance of survival because their habitat is rapidly decreasing. This would prevent us from studying new species that live in those environments. Also, another impact deforestation has on civilization is that medicinal information might be lost. A lot of our medicines come from trees and plants so with the destruction of trees, this prevents us to be able to create certain medicines. These impacts are significant because it prevents civilization from advancing technologically.

    2. Through the graph, you can see that before 2005, the deforestation rate in Brazil was increasing very rapidly. There were two major peaks, one in 1995 and the other in 2004. The reason for these is most likely because in 1995 wood was starting to be considered as one of the most resourceful resources and then in 2004, there were many technological advancements which made deforestation much more quick and efficient. However, after 2005, the rate of trees being cut down decreased significantly. This is most likely because the Brazilian government was made aware of their deforestation rates and because of this, they went out of their way to decrease them. According to the government, their tactic on saving the forests will continue to be effective until 2020, when less than 5000 km^2 of forest will be cut down per year.

  6. 1.Deforestation leads to both a lower a biodiversity and the amount of oxygen that is available. This will cause for the food web to become simpler and cause certain species to find new food choices. All natural medicines that are found in these habitats will also be destroyed. This is a concern because if humans were no long to find advances in medicine to help fight against bacteria, etc. they would no longer be able to rely on the 34+ medicines that they would be able to find before deforestation.

    2. From the graph one can observe a trend of a lowing amount of deforestation that is occurring. Due to this one may concluded that due to awareness of the benefits that forests do hold and the effect of their numbers falling (rise in green house gas CO2 and less clean oxygen), that we as a population need to save them for the world to benefit.

  7. 1- Deforestation as well as the losses of rain forests are 2 impacts on us and our civilization that could be a result of decreasing biodiversity. These impacts are significant because deforestation is directly related to the amount of oxygen that is in the air, affecting our own oxygen needed and rain forests getting destructed lead to the death of different living species (animals, plants..).

    2- From the graph, we can see that deforestation rates decreased in the last 10 years. A reason for these trends to have happened is the fact that people are much more aware of the environment and what will happen if forests keep getting destructed.

  8. 1) As we lose biodiversity, we can see that there will be effects branching into dangerous territory. We have already begun to lose valuable data, due to the loss of animal, plant life and their scientifically rich surroundings. We then lose the ability to use data such as this for our own purposes. We may also see, as the World Bank predicts, a dieback of many other forests around the globe by 2025 as a result of just 20% deforestation of the Amazon.

    2) One can observe that the amount of deforestation per year has dropped significantly, perhaps due to programs, like that of Brazil, put in place to prevent the problems brought about by deforestation. However, the cumulative loss of forest is still very large and increasing.

  9. 1. Impacts on us and our civilization that could be a result of decreasing biodiversity are a decrease in potential knowledge (medicinal), sustenance sources, or evolutionary and scientific information. The impacts are significant because we end up losing critical new technology and information regarding the previously stated subjects.

    2. The deforestation graph shows how deforestation has increased slowly over the years, but started to decrease after 2004. An increased awareness in the environment and the loss of technology due to deforestation are the reasons for this decrease.

  10. 1. Deforestaion leads to less biodiversity, it lowers the amount of oxygen available to the species to breathe, the food web will become smaller, forcing humans to find different types of food, and another impact is that without the rainforest there is less natural medicine avaliable.

    2. The trend that the graph shows is a decline in deforestaion in the past. This trend is likely due to a more global awareness of the environmnetand the harm of deforestation.
